Discord Changing Name Color

  1. Changing Name Texas
  2. Discord Changing Name Color Generator
  3. Discord Change Username Color

Hopefully this helped anyone who needed help with changing your Discord name font out there! Here's my Socials!WEBSITE LINK:http://qa. Many Discord users wish to have discord invisible name and avatar (profile picture) for different reasons and purposes. Probably you want to do this for fun and want to show some skills to attract server member’s attention. There can be many other purposes behind hiding discord username and profile picture.

Many of you might know how to use colored text in the discord chat, but do you know how to change name color in discord which can be used to differentiate users according to their roles.

You might have seen on many discord servers, users’ names are displayed in different colors and you also want to know how to change name color in discord.

Key Points

  • This exact process is called Discord role colors
  • You must be a server owner or should have admin rights permission to create discord role colors.
  • Discord user’s name color can be changed by creating roles with color and assigning users to these roles.

Why use Discord Role Colors?

Discord role colors are used to differentiate roles/users by their color which is even easier to identify.

Changing Name Texas

There are 18 colors and custom color options through which you can create your own role color.

If you are curious to know how to make rainbow roles discord bot, do not try doing these either with any trick or bot.

Rainbow roles or using bots to change the role color of a role at a rapid pace is against our API terms of service and will get your bot account (and perhaps even your account) terminated.

This is because such utilization of our service is considered abusive as per section 2.7 of the API terms of service.

Let’s take an example to understand why to use discord role colors

You have a Discord server, where you have 4 kinds of users like

Owner: – Can be assigned color likePINK which will indicate as owner color

Admins: – Assign any color likeGREENthat can indicate as admin color

Ready for admin: – People who probably can become admin, assign color like ORANGE

New users: – AssignRED color which will indicate them as a new user

So here in order to differentiate these users by their role on the server, you can assign colors to these roles and then these users to specific roles.

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How to Change Name Color in Discord | PC

Follow the steps carefully and read twice before implementing the steps. You can create a test server and add a few people over there to test this process.

Maybe you are an Expert who can directly start the process?

STEP 1:- Open your Discord dashboardand navigate to the Server where you want to assign and change name color.

STEP 2:- Click on the drop-down beside to server name and choose Server Settings and then Roles.

STEP 3:- Now as here I have taken an example of a new server, so I will manually add new roles with color. If you already have roles on your server, you can simply change the color or rename depending on you.

STEP 4:- Click on + sign beside to roles, and give a name to roles, choose a color from the color option and click Save Changes once done. So here I am creating two roles

  • GREEN For Admin
  • RED for New users

You can create more Roles depending on your requirement; here I created just 2 roles for explanation

STEP 5:- Come back to Server settings and scroll down to look and click Members. Here you will be displayed with all the members in the server.

Discord Changing Name Color

STEP 6:- Right-click on the member, hover up to Roles, and choose the role displayed in the option.

Discord Changing Name Color Generator

STEP 7:– Assigned user color will be changed now.

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How to Change Name Color in Discord | Phone

The process of changing discord name color is very similar and almost the same as Discord PC. You have to follow the same steps, let’s quickly look into the steps.

STEP 1:- Navigate to the Discord Server, where you want to assign roles with colors.

STEP 2:- Tap on the Server name or 3 dots to pull server options, choose Settings from the option. From the Server settings, scroll down to the bottom and tap on Roles.

STEP 3:- In the Roles box, tap on the + sign to add a Role. Give a name to the Role and choose the color which you want to assign. Tap on the blue icon at the very right-hand bottom to Save

So here I will create two roles for the explanation.

PINK for Owner

ORANGE for Ready to Admin

STEP 4:- Once Roles are created go back to server settings and scroll down to chooseMembers which is just above to Roles.

STEP 5:- In the members, you will see all the server members, tap on the member, and choose the type of role to be assigned. Tap on the checkbox and you are done.


You learned how to change name color in discord, so now if you have multiple users in the servers and every user is different.

Take some time to think of a role name for them and assign them appropriate colors to differentiate.

Please let me know if you have any other query related to this or Discord. I will surely write and make a video on it.

Please share this blog with your admin, if you are not having the rights and want this to be enabled on your server.

Millions of active users use Discord every day. Users get to join a huge community where they can share their interests and play with other people. They get to chat and talk about their gaming experience.

Social Media

If you use Discord, you probably noticed some users writing with different color names. Now, this is a cool feature that would take anyone’s attention. No wonder why you are drawn to it. If you are looking for a guide that will show you how to change the color, look no further. We have made the simplest guide with easy steps to follow. You will learn how to change the color in no-time.

Discord Change Username Color

But, before we step into the guide, there is something to mention first. The only way you can change the color of your discord name is by adding roles. But, for that, you have to be the one who creates a server to have admin privileges. If you don’t have a server, you can’t change the color of your name.

The color helps you differentiate the people in your server. By giving them roles, you can have better control of your server. It is a good way of keeping everything in order in the chat. And it looks nice.

In other words, without administrator privilege, you can’t do it.If you’ve already created your server and you want to change the color of your or any other person’s name, here is how you can do it. Follow these simple steps and you will change the color in a matter of seconds.

Step 1

Right-click on your server. A new menu will pop up. Here, look for “Server Settings”. Now, select the fourth option from the top -“Roles”. This is the option you are looking for.

Step 2

Here you can add a new role by pressing on the plus sign next to “Roles”. In this example, we have named the role “Test Role”. Pick any color you like your role to have. You can play with all the available colors, or you can select a unique color from the color menu. When you are done, press “Save Changes” on the bottom-right corner of the menu.

Step 3

Now, go back to your Discord server. On the right menu, you can find all the members that are on your server. Now, right-click on the user’s name or your name and go to the bottom of the menu. Press “Roles” and select whichever role you want to assign. The color of that role will change the color of the name. If your role is red, your name will be red. You can assign multiple roles with different colors for every member on the server. It is up to you.


As you can see, to change the color of your name or anyone’s name, you need administrative privileges. For that, you need to create a server and assign roles. That’s where this guide can help. If you follow all the steps, you will change the color very quickly. It’s a piece of cake. Hopefully, you found this guide helpful.