Micron Xceed Color Card For Mac

By machineProcessorVideoSoundNetworkDrive controllerExpansion

This is a summary of video cards that work with 68k Macs. Full specifications and notes will be given on their respective article pages.

The Micron Xceed SE/306-48 is an 8-bit board for the Macintosh SE/30. The standard Macintosh SE/30 video is a built-in black-and-white screen, 512x342 pixels. For Micron's 8-bit color video board, the pixel data is represented by 1, 2, 4, or 8 data bits at 640 x 480 resolution. The Micron XCEED Color 30 Video Card, particularly, is a special bit of computer paraphernalia that allows for grayscale on the internal monitor. One of these just sold for two grand.

Micron Xceed Color Card For Macs

ManufacturerModelInterfaceMax resolution (W×H×bpp)Max bit depth (bpp)Accelerated? Notes
AppleApple Display Card 4•8NuBus1152×870×48 (1024×768)no
AppleApple Display Card 8•24NuBus1152×870×824 (1024×768)no[1]
AppleApple Display Card 8•24GCNuBus1152×870×824 (640×480)yes
no (68040)
832×624×16 supported in Rev. B
AppleApple Display Card 24ACNuBus1152×870×2424 (1152×870)yesRadius PrecisionColor Pro 24AC
AppleMacintosh II High Resolution Video CardNuBus640×480×44 (640×480)no640×480×8 supported with optional RAM upgrade
AppleMacintosh II Monochrome Video CardNuBus512×384×11 (512x384)noPairs with 12' High Resolution Monochrome
AppleMacintosh II Portrait Video CardNuBus640×870×2g2 grays (640×870)no640×870×4g supported with optional RAM upgrade
Pairs with Portrait Display
AppleMacintosh II Video CardNuBus640×480×44 (640×480)no640×480×8 supported with optional RAM upgrade
Also known as 'Toby'
AppleMacintosh Two-Page Monochrome Video CardNuBus1152×870×2g2 grays (1152×870)no1152×870×4g supported with optional RAM upgrade
Pairs with Macintosh Two-Page Monochrome Display
E-MachinesThe Big Picture IINuBus
E-MachinesColorlink DC/TNuBusyes
E-MachinesColorlink SX/tNuBus1024×768×824 (640×480)yes
E-MachinesColorlink SX/2NuBusyes
E-MachinesDoubleColor LXNuBusyes
E-MachinesDoubleColor SXNuBus1024×768×48 (512×384)yes
E-MachinesFutura LXNuBus1024×808Resolution set with rotary switch, reference.
E-MachinesFutura MXNuBus1024×80824 (1024×768)yesResolution set with rotary switch, reference.
E-MachinesFutura SXNuBus1152×870×1624 (832×624)yesResolution set with rotary switch, reference.
E-MachinesFutura II LXNuBus1024×808yesResolution set with rotary switch, reference.
E-MachinesFutura II SXNuBus1024×768×824 (832×624)yesResolution set with rotary switch, reference.
E-MachinesSpec/24 IVNuBus
E-MachinesT16NuBus832×624×88 (832×624)yes
E-MachinesT19NuBus1024×808×88 (1024×808)Information unconfirmed
E-MachinesUltura LX 7'NuBusyesROM 3.0 required for Power Mac support
E-MachinesUltura LX 12'NuBus1152×910yesROM 3.0 required for Power Mac support
FocusL*TV Pro NuBusNuBus640×480×1616 (640×480)noSupports PAL or NTSC (depends on model) in 8 bpp on the RCA and S-Video outputs
MicroConversions2124NBNuBus1152×870×2424 (1152×870)yesIncompatible with Sonnet G3 upgrades
NECMultiSync 4FGENuBus832×624×2424 (832×624)yesRadius PrecisionColor Pro 24XP
Disables on-board ethernet on the Quadra 650 and probably other Wombat-based Macs
RadiusDirectColor 8NuBus
RadiusDirectColor 16NuBus
RadiusDirectColor 24NuBus
RadiusDirectColor GXNuBus
RadiusLeMans GTNuBus
RadiusPrecisionColor 8-XJNuBus1152×882×88 (1152×882)yes7” and 12” [2]
RadiusPrecisionColor 8-24XNuBus
RadiusPrecisionColor 24XPNuBus
RadiusPrecisionColor Pro 24ACNuBus1152×870×2424 (1152×870)yesApple Display Card 24AC
RadiusPrecisionColor Pro 24XNuBus
RadiusPrecisionColor Pro 24XKNuBus
RadiusPrecisionColor Pro 24XPNuBus
RadiusThunder GTNuBus
RadiusThunder IV GXNuBusyes[3]
RadiusVideoVision StudioNuBus[4]
RasterOpsColorBoard 64NuBus
RasterOpsColorboard 104NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 108NuBus
RasterOpsColorboard 108+NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 208NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 224NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 228NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 232NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 264NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 364NuBus
RasterOpsColorBoard 364PNuBus
RasterOpsColorVue IINuBus
RasterOpsColorVue GSNuBus
RasterOpsColorVue GSXLNuBus
RasterOpsHorizon 24NuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard 8LiNuBus
RasterOpsPaintBoard 24NuBus
RasterOpsPaintBoard LiNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard LightningNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard PrismNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard Prism GTNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard ProfessionalNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard Turbo XLNuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard Turbo 7'NuBus
RasterOpsPaintboard Turbo 12'NuBus
RasterOpsProColor 32NuBus1152×870 (24 bpp)24 (1152×870)yes[5]
RasterOpsSTV 7'NuBus
RasterOpsSTV 12'NuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/8 Series IINuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/8 Series IIINuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/8*24 PDQNuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/24 Series IIINuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/24 Series IVNuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/24 Series VNuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/24 PDQNuBus
SuperMacSpectrum/24 PDQ+NuBus
SuperMacSpectrum Power 1152NuBus
SuperMacThunder II GXNuBus
Village TronicMacPicasso 320NuBus1600×1200 (8 bpp)24 (1152×870)[6]
Village TronicMacPicasso 340NuBus1600×1200 (16 bpp)24 (1152×870)yes[7]
MicronMacroColor 30030 PDS
MicronXceed030 PDS
MicronXceed 306030 PDS
MicronXceed Color 30030 PDS640×480 (8 bpp)8 (640×480)no[8]
MicronXceed Color 30HR030 PDS
RadiusPivot Card SE/30030 PDS
RasterOpsColorBoard 108+SE/30030 PDS
RasterOpsColorBoard 264/SE30030 PDS
RasterOpsColorBoard 708+SE/30030 PDS
RasterOpsColorVue GS/30030 PDS
EnvisioQuick16LC PDS
RadiusColor Pivot LCLC PDS
RasterOpsColorVue 8LCLC PDS
RasterOpsColorVue LCLC PDS
RasterOpsColorVue GSLCLC PDS
SuperMacSpectrum/8 LCLC PDS[9]1152×882 [10]8
MicroConversions1724PDLC III PDS1280×102424yes
Micron Xceed Color Card For Mac


Micron Xceed Color Card For Mac
  1. Apple Display Card 8•24 at LEM
  2. Radius PrecisionColor 8-XJ at LEM
  3. Radius Thunder IV GX at LEM
  4. VideoVision Q&A
  5. RasterOps ProColor 32 at LEM
  6. Village Tronic MacPicasso 320 at LEM
  7. Village Tronic MacPicasso 340 at LEM
  8. Micron Xceed Color 30 at LEM
  9. The Spectrum/8 LC works well in a LC475.
  10. Supported resolutions (as listed in the manual: 512 x 384 pixels (Apple 12' RGB), 640 x 480 pixels @ 67 Hz, 640 x 870 pixels (Apple Portrait Display), 832 x 624 pixels @ 75 Hz, 1024 x 768 pixels @ 60 Hz, 1024 x 768 pixels @ 75 Hz, 1152 x 870 pixels @ 75 Hz, 1152 x 882 pixels @ 72 Hz (Radius 19' / 72 Hz Trinitron Display), Color Resolutions: 4, 16, 256 colors and 256 shades of grey or black and white.

External links

Micron Xceed Color Card For Mac Os

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