Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files

  1. These Wurlitzer APP rolls are recut or newly arranged by top quality arrangers, perforated by PlayRite Music, boxed and labeled professionally. All ready to ship. Wurlitzer 165 Rolls. Wurlitzer APP Rolls.
  2. Wm165 Library - MIDI Files Wurlitzer 165, BAB, TRT and Other Tunes Ws165 Library - MIDI Files Special Arrangements, Stinson, and European Tune Library (Coded to play on most 75 note Stinson Band Organs) Ws165 Library - Paper Music Rolls.
  1. Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files Converter
  2. Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files Free


MidiWurlitzer 165 midi files converter

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Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files Converter

Automatic Musical Instrument Societies and Organizations

AMICA Local Chapters and Links

General Information

American Theater Organ SocietyAll AMICA Chapters Contact Information
Associazione Italiana Musica MeccanicaChicago
Founding (San Francisco area)
COAA - Carousel Organ Association of America



Friends of Scott JoplinChicago Southside Piano
MBSI- Musical Box Society InternationalInternational Piano Archives at Maryland
Musical Box Society of Great BritainMechanical Music Digest
Netherlands Pianola AssociationMusic Trade ReviewHerschell Carousel Factory Museum
Organ Historical SocietyPresto Music TimesMorris Museum
Pianola InstituteStanford Libraries Player Piano Project

Mechanical and Vintage Music Online

Player Piano GroupMechanical Music Radio Mechanical Music Radio Station
Reed Organ Society InternationalNickelodeon Co. Artizan Restoration Photo JournalParlor Piano Early 20th Century Popular Music on Piano
Schweizer Freunde Mechjanisher Musik1920's Radio Network Big Band Radio Station 1900-1950
Society for Self-Playing Musical Instruments

www.radiodismuke.com Vintage Popular Music 1925-1935

Wurlitzer 165 midi files free165

AMICA Mechanical Music Restoration and Resource Registry
Beyond link verification, there is no implication of the quality, voracity, or integrity of the service providers. AMICA’s resource serves only to provide a forum bringing together interested parties who will make their own connections and arrangements. AMICA takes no responsibility for the communication, service, or other arrangements between the parties.






Barton Player Piano Companywww.bartonplayerpiano.comGeneral player piano informationMinneapolisMN
Ben's Player Piano Servicewww.bensplayerservice.comComplete service for the player pianoRichfield SpringsNY
Bob Yorburgwww.bobyorburg.comcarving, new and restorationsYorktown HeightsNY
Brotech Electronicswww.brotechelectronics.comwireless tablet controlled midi playersYaphankNY
D.C. Ramey Piano Companywww.dcramey.comRestoration services automatic musical instrumentsMarysvilleOH
Gentile Piano Servicewww.gentilepiano.comTuning, restoration, repair, sales, parts, and serviceQuincyMA
Great Canadian Nickelodeon Co.www.nickelodeonco.comrestoration, Europeon Orchestrions, custom midiMount ForestCAN
Grindorgans.comwww.GrindOrgans.comrestoration, custom arranging, EU organ importerSurreyCAN
Klinger Organwww.klingerorgan.comMIDI, magnet driver, capture systems, scanningFlippinAR
Mechanical Music Digestwww.mmdigest.comDiscussion on all things mechanical musicwebweb
Mechanical Music.ORGwww.mechanicalmusic.orgRollls for pianos, Organs, nickelodeons. Midi infoCold SpringKY
Music Box Restorationswww.musicboxrestorations.comRestoration of antique Music Boxes, mechanism, caseMenlo ParkCA
Newman Resotrationswww.newmanrestorations.comNew and rebuild pneumatic self-playing instrumentsGold BeachOR
Nickelodeon Housewww.nickelodeonhouse.netWurlitzer 150, 165 rolls. New and recuts. APP rolls.Belle MeadNJ
Pedals, Pumpers and Rollswww.pedalspumpersrolls.comrestoration reproduicing pianos, nickelodeons, Band & Pump organsGreenvilleSC
Peters Phillipswww.petersmidi.comMidi files from music rollsNSW AustraliaAUS
Piano Rolls UKwww.pianorolls.co.ukrolls for Duo-Art and 88 note instrumentsWorkinghamUK
Player-Carewww.player-care.comSales, Service, Parts, reference materials, player pianosBrickNJ
Reblitz Restorationswww.mechanicalmusicpress.com/reblitz/Restorations, Coin Pianos, band organs, new music arrangementsColorado SpringsCO

Roberts Musical Restorations

All restorations, esp. Violano, Orchestrions, band organs, nickelodeons

Rum River Restorationwww.rumriverrestoration.comRepairs, restoration pneumatic player pianos, nickelodeons, organsAnokaMN
Spencer's E-Rollswww.spencerserolls.comElectronic music rolls - Antique Music for a Modern Worldwebweb
Universal Midi Controllerwww.universalmidicontroller.comSoftware midi player for tablet or smartphone, roll converterBroomfieldCO
Wurlitzer165.netwww.wurlitzer165.netMidi files and music rolls for Wurlitzer 165 band organsBelle MeadNJ

Wurlitzer 165 Midi Files Free

AMICA International
Automatic Musical Instrument Collectors' Association,
a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization.

All third-party materials have been used with the assumed owner's permission, however if you claim copyright on materials here and you wish them removed please contact the Website Manager. You'll need to provide proof of ownership. If your claim is valid then the materials will be removed as soon as possible.
All information on this Site is provided 'as is', with no guarantee of completeness, accuracy or timeliness and without any warranty whatsoever, expressor limited. In no event will the AMICA, its officers, committee members, members, employees or agents be liable to you or anyone else for any decision made or action taken in reliance on the information on this Site or for any damages resulting, directly or indirectly, from the use of any of the contractors listed on this Site, including for any consequential, special or similar damages.